Monday, June 12, 2006
Washed up

Melbourne Train Girl sent the Tall Boy one final SMS yesterday afternoon. By that stage she was sure she had hit the ball squarely into his court. It was a flirty SMS. A fun SMS. An SMS she had spent the morning thinking about. Drafting in her head. It was the kind of SMS he should have read with a smile, and then replied with something equally devious and saucy.

Now it is today afternoon and he hasn't replied.

Melbourne Train Girl is fairly sure it is doomed.

The ball is sitting in his court, but it seems he has decided to keep it. Perhaps he decided she was too crazy. Or found someone a little less deranged who he liked a little more.

Melbourne Train Girl has told herself she is not going to think about it any more. She even put her phone away in her bedroom.

But Melbourne Train Girl thinks she really did like him...

posted by melbourne train girl 2:45 pm

melbourne.train.girl takes the train. And sometimes the tram and the bus as well. She is the girl in the corner seat wondering if the boy by the window will say hello.


123 I love you
a beautiful revolution
adelaide writer
comic book girl
dysfunctional android
enny pen
from the archives
momo freaks out
petite anglaise
the girl who
waiter rant
what's new pussycat?

Melbourne Train Girl wondered if she should have a...
Cold feet
Plaid and tartan
Wet shoes
The last train
Getting dressed
Melbourne Train Girl need not worry

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006

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